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作者:编辑 日期:2024-02-24 人气:45

What is the English Equivalent of “重来”?

“重来” is a Chinese word that has a lot of meanings. It could mean to start over, to do it again, to retry, or to have a fresh start. However, what is the English equivalent of “重来”? In this article, we’ll explore different ways to translate this term and how it’s used in English.

The Literal Translation of “重来” in English

The literal translation of “重来” in English is “to start again” or “to do it again”. It’s used when you want to redo something that you’ve already done before. For instance, if you’re watching a movie and the player suddenly stops working, you can say “I’m going to restart the movie” or “I’m going to do it again”.

Using “Start Over” to Express “重来” in English

“Start over” is another expression in English that’s equivalent to “重来”. This phrase means to begin again or to have a fresh start. It’s often used when you want to forget the past and try again from the beginning. For example, if you’ve had a bad day at work, you can say “I’m going to start over tomorrow and try to do better” or “I’m going to have a fresh start and forget about today”.

“Retry” as a Translation of “重来” in English

“Retry” is a verb in English that means to try again after a failed attempt. It’s a great way to express “重来” in English when you want to redo something that you’ve failed before. For example, if you’re playing a game and you fail, you can say “I’m going to retry and beat this level” or “I’m going to try again and beat this game”.

“Restart” as a Term for “重来” in English

“Restart” is another way to express “重来” in English. This term means to begin again or to start from scratch. It’s often used when you want to redo something completely from the beginning. For instance, if you’ve made a mistake in a document and you want to redo it, you can say “I’m going to restart the document and start again” or “I’m going to begin again and redo the whole thing”.


In conclusion, “重来” is a term with multiple meanings in Chinese, but in English, it can be translated in different ways depending on the context. “To start again” or “to do it again” is the literal translation of this word. However, “start over”, “retry”, and “restart” are also common ways to express “重来” in English. Whatever expression you choose, the idea is the same: to redo something that you’ve already done before, to begin again, to have a fresh start, and to try again after a failed attempt.


