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作者:编辑 日期:2024-04-01 人气:38

Active vs Passive Voice: Examples and Usage

When we talk about active and passive voice, we refer to the way in which the subject and the verb of a sentence interact. In active voice, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action. Understanding the difference between active and passive voice is essential for effective writing, particularly for  content creation.

Active Voice Examples

Active voice is often preferred for  writing because it creates clear and direct sentences. Here are some examples of sentences in active voice:

1. She wrote the blog post.

2. The company launched a new product.

3. The CEO provided an update.

4. The team achieved the sales target.

In these examples, the subject (She, The company, The CEO, The team) performs the action (wrote, launched, provided, achieved) indicated by the verb. The sentences clearly state who is doing the action and what that action is.

Passive Voice Examples

In passive voice, the subject receives the action performed by the verb, and the agent (the doer) is either omitted or introduced with a preposition. Passive voice is useful in situations where the doer of the action is unknown, unimportant, or not worth mentioning. However, it can also make sentences less clear and concise, and should be used sparingly in  content. Here are some examples of sentences in passive voice:

1. The blog post was written by her.

2. A new product was launched by the company.

3. An update was provided by the CEO.

4. The sales target was achieved by the team.

In these examples, the subject (The blog post, A new product, An update, The sales target) receives the action (written, launched, provided, achieved) indicated by the verb. The agent (her, the company, the CEO, the team) is introduced by a preposition (by). These sentences do not make it clear who is performing the action, and can make the writing feel less dynamic and engaging.

Active vs Passive: Which to Use?

Active voice is generally preferred in  writing because it creates clear, direct sentences that are easy for readers to understand. Passive voice can be useful when the doer of the action is unclear or unimportant, or when we want to emphasize the recipient of the action rather than the doer. However, overuse of passive voice can make writing feel dull and impersonal, and can even harm the overall  optimization of content.

Using active voice in writing is a simple way to make your content more engaging and dynamic. By taking a little extra care to craft clear, concise sentences in the active voice, you can increase your chances of ranking well in search engine results and keep your readers engaged and interested in your content.


