笑爆肚子的笑话英文(Hilarious Joke That Why Did the Tomato Turn Red?,Because it saw the salad dressing!The Hilarious Joke That Will Leave You in Stitches,Laughing is one of the best ways to relieve stress and boost your mood. So, get ready to tickle your funny bone with this hilarious joke that will leave you in
笑到抽筋的笑话爆笑版(史上最搞笑笑话大集合,笑到停不下来!) 前言,大家好,我是一名专注于编写相关文章的编辑。今天我带来的是史上最搞笑笑话大集合,保证会让你笑到抽筋!第一部分:短小精悍的笑话,1.为什么大象不会用电脑?因为它够不着键盘。2.老师在课堂上给学生讲故事,例举了很多动物,当她提到了“骆驼”时,托尼忍不住大喊:“OMG! How many humps?”3.某人在大声喊叫:“我要变成一只蝙蝠!我要变成一只蝙蝠!”他的朋友…